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Lessons From the Ones We Love
1997 | 21 min., color
This video examines the role parents and teachers play in a child’s learning. Produced at the request of Vice President and Mrs. Gore.
Gone Too Far? Kids Talk About TV
1996 | 30 min., color
This video examines the impact of television and film on children. Produced at the request of Vice President and Mrs. Gore.
Show Your Love
1995 | 20 min., color
Seven children, ages 10-17, discuss how they relate to their fathers, to the men in their lives who take the place of their fathers, and how they respond to the pressures of growing up without a father. Winner of a Bronze Apple Award at the 1995 National Educational Media Festival. Contact Sam Kauffmann to order a USB Thumb Drive or DVD copy.
Surviving the Family
1993 | 17 min., color
A film about a woman's realization that she's an incest survivor.
-- "It's a technically accomplished, emotionally powerful (but not overwrought), delicate drama patiently acted by a small cast of professionals." -- The Boston Phoenix
A bedroom built in test facility reaches "flashover," when everything in the room is heated to ignition temperature. (From the film Fire: Countdown to Disaster.)
Fire: Countdown to Disaster
1985 | 16 min., color
A film for the National Fire Protection Association. Winner of a Blue Ribbon at the National Educational Film Festival (highest rated film at festival), a Silver Award at the International Film and Television Festival of New York, and Red Ribbon at the American Film Festival.
Beginning Changes
1984 | 30 min., color
A film for Oxfam America, an international aid organization, about their development work overseas. Shot on location in Honduras, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Featured in the May, 1984 edition of American Cinematographer.
Water: Not Enough to Waste
1983 | 20 min., color
A 20-minute water conservation film sponsored by the Metropolitan District Commission.
Voices of a Divided City
1982 | 60 min., color
A look at two Boston neighborhoods--Charlestown and Roxbury--as representative of the racial tensions in Boston during the busing era. Part of the Crisis to Crisis series produced for and aired of PBS. Henry Hampton was the Executive Producer. .
Killing Time
1981 | 60 min., color
A 60-minute film on the prison system in Massachusetts. A WGBH-TV Special. An official selection of the American Film Festival, 1981. A co-production with Ellen Boyce.
Busing: A Rough Ride in Southie
1977 | 30 min., color
A 30-minute film on school desegregation in Boston. Used by cities across America to begin a dialog about court-ordered busing. A co-production with Ellen Boyce. Screened at the Museum of Modern Art and an official selection of the American Film Festival.
Portrait Without a Frame
1976 | 8 min., black & white
A documentary film about visual artist Anthony Thompson. Aired on WCVB-TV, the Boston ABC affiliate. A co-production with Ellen Boyce.
The Last 30 Seconds
1976 | 1 min., color
An animated film selected by the Athens International Film Festival for their annual road show, 1976.